Traditional Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture,
Chinese herbal medicine, and Lifestyle counseling.
What To Expect During Your First Treatment.
Did you know that traditional east Asian medicine is the oldest continuously recorded medical system? Thus, the terminology is often metaphorical, using terms such as “qi”, or “chi,” which refers to the life force energy that we all enjoy as a fundamental part of our experience, for example, the ability to take a clear and deep breath. Attempts have been made to objectively measure this “qi response,” and correlations have been drawn between acupuncture meridians and neural pathways, as well as postulations that the insertions of acupuncture needles trigger a release of endorphins.
Understanding that there is a metaphorical element to this system does not conflict with the fact that TCM practitioners also take into account the etiology and pathophysiology of a disease or injury. Eastern medicine and western, or conventional medicine, can complement each other extremely well.
The diagnostic process includes analyzing verbal data provided by the patient, as well as observational data such as tongue and pulse diagnosis. It is important that you provide the most accurate accounting of your health history in order to determine the best course of treatment for you.
During acupuncture treatment, specific points will be palpated, often searching for a place of tenderness. Very thin, sterile acupuncture needles are then inserted into the skin’s upper layers, and depending on the location of the point, the needle may be inserted deeper into the muscle tissue. There is usually a sensation of warmth, tingling or heaviness that accompanies this, and no significant pain other than the momentary sharpness of the needle.
The needle is gently manipulated for a few seconds, and then retained for 20-30 minutes while the patient rests comfortably. Patients usually experience a feeling of calmness and relaxation after a session, and may even fall asleep during the treatment.
An initial consultation with acupuncture treatment is 1.5 – 2 hours, and consists of an extensive health history interview, followed by diagnosis and treatment plan according to traditional east Asian medicine principles. Custom powdered herbal formulations or prepared formulas in pill or tablet form will possibly be prescribed, depending on the condition that is being treated. Lifestyle counseling and dietary suggestions will be discussed to further enhance the intention of the treatment plan. Future sessions are arranged at weekly, bi-weekly or monthly intervals, depending on the condition. The cadence of your treatment plan will be unique to your individual needs. Herbal consultations without acupuncture treatment are also available. Questions and concerns will be addressed prior to treatment. Please remember that it is advisable to have food 1.5-2 hours prior to your acupuncture treatment.